1. Authority

The construction and composition of the League shall be determined from year to year.

2. Determining Champions

The Champion of each Division shall be determined:

i. By a majority of points, or

ii. Where Teams are level on points, by goal difference, or

iii. Where teams are level on goal difference, by goals scored, or

iv. Where still level by results between the tied teams, or

v. Where still level by goal difference between the tied teams, or

vi. Where still level the league title will be shared and the other promotion or relegation issues will be decided by a 2 leg play off, and if tied at the end of both games by a penalty stroke competition.

The winners of the First Division shall be deemed DISTRICT CHAMPIONS.

3. Construction and Composition:

i. The League shall consist of a series of Divisions, with each league ideally consisting of 10 Teams.

ii. The Divisions shall be called 1st, 2nd, 3rd Division, etc.

iii. All new Teams shall enter the League in the lowest Division.

iv. Any teams dropping out of a National or Regional League will usually be allocated a place in Division 1, or if they wish the place of their highest placed team already playing District hockey. Should they choose to enter Division 1 then the lowest ranked team in that league would drop to Division 2.

v. A maximum of two Teams per Club will be allowed in each Division. This Bye Law shall not apply to the lowest Division.

vi. The next highest team in the next lower Division shall be promoted when (v) is applied.

vii. The League Convenor shall have the power to determine the size of all Divisions, after due consideration has been given to the number of Teams competing.

4. Promotion and Relegation:

i. Shall be determined at the end of each season by the League Committee, based primarily on 2 Teams being promoted, and 2 Teams being relegated throughout the Divisions.

ii. In the event of a Team withdrawing from the League after promotion and relegation have been determined, and before the start of the next season, the next eligible Team from the lower Division shall be promoted, and so on throughout the lower Divisions.

iii. Points for each fixture shall be awarded thus:

  •  3 points for a WIN
  •  1 point for a DRAW

iv. Where a fixture is conceded, the result shall be recorded as a 5-0 victory to the opposition. If, at the end of the season, the League Convenor considers that the number of fixtures conceded have unduly influenced promotion and/or relegation in any Division, he/she reserve the right to decide the issue by computing goal averages for fixtures played by the Teams in question.

v. Should any team concede 3 games during a single season they may at the discretion of the League Convenor be automatically relegated at the end of that season.

5. League Dates:

i. League dates will be advised in advance of the start of the season and Clubs should not arrange alternative fixtures on these dates without the permission of the League Convenor. Fixtures out with these dates, particularly for Universities and Colleges, will be initially designated, if necessary, by the League Convenor.

ii. Fixtures should be played on the stipulated dates, but home teams may change dates in agreement with their opposition and the League Convenor to facilitate events such as “Friday Night Lights”, free midweek evenings or if both teams feel they may benefit by playing in better weather.

iii. In the event that a fixture is postponed for weather or with the agreement of their opposition and the League Convenor, the home club should provide their opposition with 3 possible dates for playing the postponed game. The e-mail with this information should be copied to the League Convenor for his/her approval.

iv. If the away team don’t agree with these dates but are deemed by the League Convenor to have no valid reason, then the points and a 5-0 walkover will be awarded to the home team.

v. If the home team fail to supply alternative dates within seven days to their opposition following a postponed game, then the away team may be awarded the points and a 5-0 walkover.

vi. If the away team don’t reply to any offer of dates within seven days of receipt of said offer, then the home team may be awarded the points and a 5-0 walkover.

vii. Once a new date has been agreed the League Convenor must be informed via e-mail.

viii. The League Convenor reserves the right to arrange further League fixtures on other dates where necessary, and in the event of a dispute between clubs the League Convenor reserves the right to stipulate when the postponed fixture shall be played during the League season.

ix. All League fixtures must be completed by a date specified by the League Convenor.

x. It is the responsibility of all clubs to ensure the League Convenor has up to date contact information for both the club and those individuals and their deputies responsible for running teams participating in the West District Leagues.

6. Rules

The current Rules of the ‘Game of Hockey’, as published under the authority of the International Hockey Rule Board, shall apply to all fixtures unless advised by the League Convenor. Rules will not generally be changed during the playing season unless there is a specific requirement to do this.

7. Pitches:

i. Clubs should take all necessary steps to ensure that pitches are clearly marked in accordance with the current Rules.

ii. All fixtures in Divisions 1 and 2 must be played on Artificial pitches. This means synthetic grass as approved by sportscotland for adult competitive league hockey.

iii. It shall be the responsibility of the HOME Club to have their pitch inspected in bad weather and, where such inspection is unfavourable, the HOME Club shall confirm the decision in good time to the visiting Club and Umpires. When such advance notification is impossible and the Teams are in attendance, it shall be the responsibility of the Umpires, in consultation with both Team Captains, to decide on the possibility of play, and the validity of the fixture. The final decision will always rest with the umpires as they hold a duty of care for all participants and in the event of failure by the umpires to agree then the final decision will lie with the home umpire. At certain pitches, the grounds person has the power to declare the pitch unplayable at any time and in that case his/her decision will be final.

8. Match Start Times:

i. Shall be no earlier than 10.30am, and no later than 5pm, unless agreed by all parties.

ii. The HOME Team shall confirm the venue and match start time by email to their opposition no later than nine days in advance with their opposition confirming receipt by return. The home team should also include information regarding the colour of strips and socks they will be wearing. Clubs should hold onto the paper trail until the fixture has been completed.

iii. Failure to advise their opposition by the prior Monday evening for whatever reason without advising the League Convenor and their opposition for the reason behind any delay may result in the home side conceding the fixture 0-5 to their opposition.

9. Colours:

i. Where two teams have similar colours, it shall be the duty of the HOME Team to change.

ii. Visiting teams should carry red socks to all matches in case of a clash of colours.

10. Players:

i. No League player shall play for more than one Club outdoors in a given season, without the permission of the League Convenor and Scottish Hockey.

ii. All players playing involved in either junior or senior hockey must be registered by their club with both the West District and Scottish Hockey.

iii. A Team arriving short of players may be loaned players, by the mutual consent of both Captains.

iv. All players shall wear a numbered strip with that number corresponding to their name on the team sheet.

v. No player in the same team should wear the same number.

vi. Players must be in secondary school to play in the West District leagues. The lowest division will allow players in Primary 6 and above to compete, provided clubs have obtained consent from parents/guardians and the child has some hockey experience.

11. Cancellations:

i. If a Team within a Club cancels a fixture, other than with the express permission of the League Convenor as provided for in Bye Law 5ii above, and that Club runs other Teams at a lower level in the West District, then it shall be the responsibility of that Club to fulfil their fixtures in a descending order. If insufficient players are available to fulfil all the fixtures for that Club, then the lowest placed Team(s) should forfeit their fixture(s).

ii. In the event a higher Team cancels their fixture at short notice, and lower level Teams fulfil their fixtures, then all results involving the lower Team(s) of that Club will be forfeit, with a victory of 5-0 and 3 points being awarded to their opposition(s).

iii. In all cases, the League Convenor reserves the right to use his/her discretion to determine whether the cancellation of any fixture is allowed.

iv. In the event of a team calling off an away game, they will be solely responsible for the full amount the home team loses on the pitch hire / let. Home teams should make every effort to get their money back from the pitch owners in the first instance, but if unsuccessful then the full cost shall be the responsibility of the team cancelling the fixture. Home teams must supply copies of any invoice when requesting payment from their opposition.

v. If the away team refuses to pay for a fixture cancelled at their behest then the League Convenor shall have the power to penalise that Club, by the deduction of League points, the imposition of a good behaviour bond up to £250 and/or review of their status in that Division.

12. Umpires:

i. All fixtures in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 shall be umpired by officials with a theory and practical pass in an assessment set by Scottish Hockey at either C or Level 1 grade or higher. It is acceptable for an umpire to sit their practical test during a Division 1 or 2 game under the guidance of the West District Umpires Association.

ii. All fixtures below Division 3 may be umpired by officials with at least a theory pass in an assessment set by Scottish Hockey at either C grade or Level 1; or umpires who have completed the Introductory Umpiring Course; or who have a place booked on the Introductory Umpiring Course.

iii. In ALL Divisions, Umpires may not be replaced after the fixture has commenced, unless by necessity (i.e. injury). In particular, ‘playing’ Umpires are not allowed.

13. Results:

i. The HOME Team shall be responsible for providing the official team sheet or in the absence of that, paper clearly recording all information that would be input to an official team sheet.

ii. BOTH teams shall be responsible for completing the Team Sheet PRIOR to their fixture and handing it to the match Umpires for verification. At the end of the fixture, the Umpires MUST ensure the completion of all relevant sections; the date, competing teams, team lists including numbers, result, and all red, yellow and green cards MUST be recorded on this sheet. A representative of each team shall sign the sheet as a true record. The sheet should be returned to the Home Team Captain, who must forward both sides of it to the League Convenor by email or photograph within 48 hours. Failure to comply with these instructions, may lead to the deduction of 3 League points for the home team.

iii. Team sheets MUST be fully filled in (both sides/sheets) and returned to the League Convenor. All the following will lead to the deduction of 3 points per team sheet:

  • Non-return of the sheet.
  • Sent to the wrong email address
  • Incorrectly filled in, e.g., missing sheet 2, missing team list including players names, numbers etc.

iv. All postponed and re-arranged fixtures should be notified to the League Convenor so that an up-to-date picture of the League can be maintained. Any postponed fixture that the League Convenor is not informed of will result in a 3 point deduction to the home team.

14. Discipline:

i. Breaches of Discipline involving red or yellow cards, or any other form of indiscipline, must be reported to both the District Discipline Officer and League Convenor by email or in writing and on the correct forms, by the officiating Umpires, and both team captains, within a period of 48 hours of the fixture taking place.

ii. If an incident is missed by both umpires but spotted by ether captain, or a suitably
qualified spectator who holds a minimum C Grade or Level 1 umpiring qualification, that incident should be reported by email to the Discipline Officer within 48 hours of
that match. After due deliberation of up to 48 hours the Discipline Officer may choose to instigate a disciplinary case based on said information or not.

iii. Any decision reached by the Discipline Officer may be appealed to the District Committee. The appeal must be made within 72 hours of the Discipline Officers decision and contain the reasoning behind the appeal and an appeal fee of £75.

15. Organisation and Management:

i. The Organisation and Management of the West District Leagues shall be under the direction of the League Convenor.

ii. The League Convenor shall have the power to penalise Clubs, by the deduction of League points, imposition of a good behaviour bond, and/or review a teams status in a Division, that has been found to be deliberately strengthening a Team with players from a superior Team, who may be available due to the cancellation, postponement, or early completion of their fixtures.

iii. All claims, protests, disputes etc. pertaining to District League fixtures and/or players, shall be lodged via email by the Club, or Clubs, concerned to the League Convenor, within a period of 48 hours of the fixture, and shall be supported by a full report of the circumstances, and supported by the governing officials of the Club, or Clubs.

iv. The decision of the League Convenor in all matters of dispute etc. shall be final.

Appendix A

Expected Minimum Standards of Behaviour and Conduct

All such individuals involved in West District hockey will, at all times:

  • Respect the spirit of fair play in hockey. This is more than playing within the rules. It also
    incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always participating with the right
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
  • Respect umpires, officials, coaches, players and spectators.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect their own safety
    and the safety of others.
  • Never participate when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Promote the reputation of the sport and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought
    into disrepute.
  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, with dignity.
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly young participants and spectators.
  • Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating
  • Never use inappropriate language or gestures.
  • Never use foul, sexist, abusive, racist or any prejudicial language or tolerate it from players
    and/or team officials.
  • Abide by Safeguarding Procedures and Good Practice Guidelines.
  • Take personal responsibility to ensure that they are suitably insured for their activities.


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