Jon Mac

This is an iniative by the Belgium Hockey Federation. We appreciate it has been written from a National prospective but it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt for a District environment, what do you think?

In a bid to improve the quality of national umpiring, the Federation has asked all clubs to introduce a protocol for welcoming umpires, match officials (MOs) and national umpire coaches to their home matches.

This protocol includes the following 5 basic elements:

✅ A club official/team manager formally welcomes umpires, MOs and coaches on their arrival at the club.
✅ A room to be provided for the officials. When the officials arrive, the club official/team manager shows them where their changing room is.
✅ The club provides a pitch delegate for each match. This person is briefed beforehand on the tasks associated with this role: condition of the pitch, safety, etc.
✅ This club pitch delegate introduces him or herself to the officials.
✅ After the match, the club offers the some hoppitality

The Federation is convinced that better contact between umpires and clubs will improve the atmosphere and contribute to improving the overall quality of umpiring and competitions in general.

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